Re: whoa? fake Batteries are low stuff? uh hm... (TI-86)


Re: whoa? fake Batteries are low stuff? uh hm... (TI-86)

I think you may just have low batteries because I tried what you did below
and nothing happened.

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Modem Boy wrote:

> Dunno if I stumbled upon something... but, if you hold the:
> O
> .
> (-)
> down at the same time (calculator OFF)
> then press the ON button, you get the batteries low message. weird... (I
> have ROM 1.2)
> On another note:
> I was just wondering if anyone actually bought a homemade parrallel port
> cable (yeah, they cost 10-20 dollars). Various people sell them with
> ordering forms on the net... I know I can build my own link, but I'd
> probably have some trouble getting the calc-to-calc link.
> Modem Boy
> Oh... regarding that SUBJECT, A C H A L L E N G E...
> I've got an interesting challenge...
> everyone knows the game Asteroid... RIGHT? good. And you also know about
> SPACE WARS... right? well I presumably saw Space war on a TI-85, 2
> player, but (as a newbie at the time, didn't know that TI-85 ASM
> wouldn't work on TI-86, it's totally different, strng & prgm.)
> This game is similar to SubSpace, an internet game I play.
> For some pictures or details on the game, head to
> If someone could make a two player version of this for the ti-86 with
> multiplayer capability... THEN DO SO! :) hehe cuz I don't know enough
> for ASM... tho i'm learning... ever so slowly.
> -(: Modem Boy :)-
