256 kB and TI-92 Assembler?
256 kB and TI-92 Assembler?
HI, I'm new here and new to TI-graphing calculators (but not to computers).
After having a brief view over the manual and trying some examples I think
that I did a good choice in changing from HP's 48 GX to TI, but some thing was
missing: an assembler( I own an old Atari ST and liked programming in machine
code on that machine more than coding on my x86). Can anybody out there explain
how to get Fargo (I tried Version 0.1.13) working on a TI-92, ROM 1.11 from
04/11/96 with 256 kBytes of RAM? It only produced an adress-error.
I think, my RAM is the problem, it's too much for the procedure explained in
the Fargo-manual.
Many thanks
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