Re: ASM and Graph Link
Re: ASM and Graph Link
On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, d d d wrote:
) >>have a file called Ztetris.asm and I don't know how to edit the code)
) >>also, does any know how to make a graph link do what it is meant to
) >>(send between computer and calc) I keep getting Transmission errors
) >>and
) >>"Link Error-Check your link connections...." and of course, my link
) >>connections are fine. Thanks for any help....
) >uh any ol' text editor.. will do it.. either EDIT (dos).. NOTEPAD..
) >WRITE.. or any word processor will do it.. .asm files is not a
) >specific file, it's a plain ascii file..
) I have a feeling that this will not work. Once again, the post Demon
) strikes again. You did not read the entire post, or else you would have
) noticed this too. He said he has an *._ASM_ file. You cannot edit the
) source code through an ASM file. You need the source code file to edit
) the source code.
Uhm, unless you calculator guys do things differently, .asm is the
extension for ASseMbler *source code* files, much like .c is the extension
for (shockingly) C source code files, .pas for (amazingly) PAScal, .bas
for (strangely enough) BASic, etc.
Daniel Reed <>
System administrator of ( [])
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it is certain to vote acquittal, save in those instances where it votes
guilty -- Joseph C. Goulden