Re: TI or HP?


Re: TI or HP?

How can anyone possibly make a statement as to why one item is worse
than the other without making a comparison?!  My Honda Civic is much
worse than a Dodge Viper in acceleration, but much better than a kid on
a bicycle.  How can I just say "my car is better" or "my car is worse"
without giving the frame of reference?  A Ti calculator is only a
"worse" choice in comparison to something else.

A better measure might be "What does the calc NOT do that is really
useful or that I need a calc to do?"  Then compare which calcs best
implement the useful stuff you need.  A good example is symbolic
manipulation; if you don't use it, it doesn't matter if you buy a Ti-92
or Hp-48.  If you want to do symbolic manipulations, both calcs can do
them, but the out of box Hp-48 is very limited in comparison to the
Ti-92. To do Ti-92 level symbolic manipulation, you need to buy a
Hp-48GX and dedicate a fair chunk of RAM to a program that can do all
the stuff the Ti-92 does. If you do Matrix math, both calcs can do that
as well, but it is only by comparison to the Hp-48 that the Ti-92 sucks
pond scum.  An objective comparison is not bad, especially when
comparing apples and oranges.

Mark Wilson

> ----------
> From:         Justin Smith[SMTP:smit8111@TAO.SOU.EDU]
> Reply To:     Justin Smith
> Sent:         Thursday, October 02, 1997 7:13 PM
> Subject:      Re: TI or HP?
> > it's just that the people who
> > spend the most of their time doing "math" type stuff, the TI's are
> > probably not the best choice.
> No.......!
> I do plenty of math stuff, i.e. calculations, reports, programs,
> graphing,
> symbolic manipulation, integrals, differentation, stats. etc.... on my
> TI-92.
> What are you talking about?
> Why do you think that the TI's aren't the best choice? And don't
> compare
> them to anything else, just say why they arent.
> -Justin