Re: Fighting game AI


Re: Fighting game AI

This is from a fighting game I made in qbasic.  Its not very hard but its
 tidious.  You first have to build a database of moves and the best move to
 defind against it.  I did this by giving each move a # and then puting all the
 offincive moves into a array and then putting all the defencive moves in a
 array.  I guess you could use the  ".db " thing to do that.  Now you write
 some code that fiqures out what the player is doing....  Is he kicking
 opunching jumping.?.  Now you call up the opropriet arrays and check to see
 what to do.  Now you have a choice...  You can either go back and add a random
 error to the part of the code that desides what the play is doing or you can
 add a random error to what the calc does.  Either one produces the same
 results,  you need to weight the random numbers to get the desired dificulty
 leavel.   BTW you can change the arrays during fighting so if a person does a
 certain move alot you can have the game set to do a better (I used combo
 moves) move against the play when they reapedly do the same move.
          The second part is to take the offencive.  I couldn't figur out a
 good way to do this so I just used random moves and when they were close
 enough to hit it did a random punch or kick.  This part can definetly be done

                  ,Cal Folds (LoSt)
P.S. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sence or is there is  bad spelling or
 anything else I wrote this when it was perdy late
