Re: TI or HP?
Re: TI or HP?
Lets not forget the perspective of most Internet/calculator geeks. Face
it, if you are on this list you are one of the few people who owns a
powerful calculator and actually uses it for more than balancing a
checkbook. How many people own Ti-92s or the 8X series (or Hp's) and
have absolutely no clue of what you can do with the thing?! I agree
that not EVEYBODY buys a powerful calc to play games, but I would also
bet that those of us who either:
1) Fully use the calc's functions
2) Do serious programming in higher level languages
3) Work in ASM
are by far the minority of power calc users.
One thing I do dispute is the types of programs out there for Ti calcs.
The vast majority of programs for Ti calcs appear to be games. Ti's are
user friendly, but they certainly can't do everything well for serious
work. A good example is Fargo for the Ti-92. How many serious work
programs or utilities have come out for Fargo compared to the nifty
games? Has anyone worked on a Fargo routine to make up for the
absolutely horrible linear algebra (matrix math) native Ti-92 routines?
Or how about a high speed units converter? Perhaps if people stopped
trying to build a better "Pong" and started building a base of real
world serious programs the Ti family would be looked on as more than
high school toys.
Mark P. Wilson
> ----------
> From: Jerome[SMTP:jhanson@CSCI.CSUSB.EDU]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 1997 2:01 AM
> Subject: Re: TI or HP?
> >as long as it can add mult div and
> >subtract and run an ASM program, then what the heck.
> I think that you need to stop typing this garbage. First of
> all, not
> everyone buys computers to play games. Also not everyone is stupid
> enough to buy powerful calculators to play games. If you specifically
> want to play games, then buy a damn Nintendo 64!
> Some of us actually know the real reasons to buy a powerful
> TOR, and those reasons have to do with much more than adding,
> subtracting, and playing games.
> --
> Jerome Hanson