Re: prime factorization
Re: prime factorization
Mark Baldi-Biek wrote:
Anyone have any code for prime factorization of an
Well, this is a really dumn one. You'll have to enter a list
P of primes, too.
PRI is a program
for factoring numbers whose smallest
prime factors are at most 2671 (and counting).
You'll also need the list of primes
:0üK //initialize
the prime factor counter
:Input "ENTER N ",N //Enter
the number to be factored
:1üI //
initialize the prime counter
:While (P(I)ò÷N) //
BIG LOOP while ith prime's square ÷ N
: If (mod(N,P(I))==0) //
If ith prime divides N
: Then
: 1üJ //
J will count to the largest power of p(I) that divides N
: While (mod(N,(P(I))^(J+1))==0)
// While a higher power divides N
: J+1üJ //
increment power
: End //
End nested while
: K+1üK //
increment number of distinct prime divisors.
: KüdimL F
// F will be a list of prime power
divisors p^k
: (I,J)üF(K) //
with real part = p and imaginary part = k.
: N/(P(I)^J)üN //
Simply factor the remaining factor
: End //
End If
: I+1üI //
Increment prime counter
:End //
(BIG LOOP) End while since ith prime's square ù N
:If (Nø1) //
If there are proper divisors
: Outpt(1,1,N) //
This will be remaining (perhaps unfactored) factor
:For(M,1,K) //
Run through list of prime divisors
: Outpt(1+mod(M,9),1,P(real F(M))) //
Fancy typesetting, eh?
: Outpt(1+mod(M,9),2+int (log P(real F(M))),"
^ ") : Outpt(1+mod(M,9),5+int (log P(real F(M))),imag F(M))
: Pause //
If there are lots of distinct prime factors
:End // End
For loop