Re: soundscape
Re: soundscape
Grant Stockly wrote:
> Where did you get it?
> Grant
> >I have a program called soundscape 1.0 for my TI-83 but i
> >dont know how it works.
> >It say's in the text file that came with the program that you can hear
> >it on an AM-radio. But i cant get it to work.
> >Can anyone help me please ???
> >
> >Best regards
> >Jesper
> >
> >If anyone can reply in e-mail it would be perfect.
Well, I'm not so sure about the AM-radio idea. If you want sound (it's
just beeping) then get a 2.5mm stereo plug, and connenct it with 3
wires. On the other side connect a 3.5mm socket. Connect everything and
Like this:
SPEAKER---> has 3.5mm plug
CALC---> har 2.5mm socker
3.5mm socket <--Your "device"-->2.5mm plug