TI-PC Parallel Links For Sale: $9.65
TI-PC Parallel Links For Sale: $9.65
Having trouble in school? Not having any trouble, but getting bored? There
are many math and physics programs for the various TI calculators, but you
need a link to use most of them. Not to mention *hundreds* of games that
require a TI-PC link.
I am selling TI-PC adapters that connect your TI-82, 85, 86, and TI-92 to
your computer's parallel port. The adapters cost only $9.65 apeice, that
price includes shipping and handling.
I offer a guarantee that if the link doesn't work on your computer, you may
return it for a complete refund. If you aren't happy with your link, you
may also return it after 30 days for a complete refund. I have built more
than 200 links to date, and offer references upon request.
Please check out http://free.prohosting.com/~timg/links.html for an order
form and more info, or email me at timg@means.net if you don't have web
timg@means.net | http://free.prohosting.com/~timg/
Programmer, GH Technologies. Tybstar@IRC