

>>>//This message brought to you by FCPLADD.  Spread the word.  Forward
>>>to //everyone you know.
>>>Penis Day
>>>     The sixth of March, annually.
>>>     PENIS!
>>>     or
>>>     It's Penis Day, can you rise to the occasion?
>>>Secret Hand Shake:
>>>     Ask for demonstration.
>>>     Hello, PENIS!
>>>Handy Quotes:
>>>     "Every thing is pretty much strait forward..."
>>>     "I've been thinking long and hard..."
>>>     "So, how long has it been..."
>>>             and of course
>>>     "It's been so long..."
>>>     "It can't be that hard..."
>>>     "C'mon, it's not that hard..."
>>>Penis Aliases:  (over 200 in alphabetical order)
>>>     Aaron's Rod                     Meat Whistle
>>>     Anaconda                        Member
>>>     Arm                             Merrymaker
>>>     Baby-Maker                      Middle Leg
>>>     Bald-Headed Butler              Milkman
>>>     Bald-Headed Champ               Missle
>>>     Bald-Headed Mouse               Mister Goodwrench
>>>     Baloney                 Mister Happy
>>>     Banana                          Mister Tom
>>>     Bat                             Monkey
>>>     Bathtub eel                     Mouse
>>>     Bayonet                 Muscle
>>>     Bean Tosser                     Mutton Dagger
>>>     Bearded Blood Sausage   My Body's Captain
>>>     Beef                            Natural Scythe
>>>     Belly Buster                    Needle
>>>     Belly Ruffian                   Nimrod
>>>     Bird                            Nippy
>>>     Blade                           Noodle
>>>     Blue Vein Meatroll              Noony
>>>     Bone                            Old Blind Bob
>>>     Broomstick                      One-Eyed Milkman
>>>     Bum Tickler                     One-Eyed Night Crawler in the
>>>     Bush Beater                     One-Eyed Trouser Trout
>>>     Button-Hole Worker              One-Eyed Wonder Worm
>>>     Candle                          Pant Muscle
>>>     Captain Winky                   Pecker
>>>     Carnal Stump                    Pee-Pee
>>>     Carrot                          Pen
>>>     Chicken                 Pencil
>>>     Child-Getter                    Pendulum
>>>     Chink-Stopper                   Perch
>>>     Club                            Peter
>>>     Cock                            Piccolo
>>>     Corey                           Picklock
>>>     Crack Haunter                   Pikestaff
>>>     Cracksman                       Pile Driver
>>>     Cranny Hunter                   Pin
>>>     Creamstick                      Pink Pencil
>>>     Crook                           Pipe
>>>     Culty Gun                       Pisser
>>>     Dagger                          Pistol
>>>     Dart of Love                    Plugtail
>>>     Dearest Member          Pocket Piccolo
>>>     Dick                            Pocket Rocket
>>>     Dicky                           Pointer
>>>     Dildo                           Poker
>>>     Ding-a-ling                     Pole
>>>     Ding-Dong                       Pork
>>>     Dinger                          Pork Sword
>>>     Dingle-Dangle                   Post
>>>     Dingus                          Prick
>>>     Dipstick                                Pride & Joy
>>>     Dodaddy                 Prong
>>>     Dolly                           Pud
>>>     Dong                            Pudding
>>>     Doniker                         Pump Handle
>>>     Dooflicker                      Pup
>>>     Dork                            Purple-Helmeted Warrior of
>>>     Down-Leg                        Putz
>>>     Dragon                          Quickening Peg
>>>     Dummy                           Quimstake
>>>     Eel                             Ram
>>>     End                             Ramrod
>>>     Family-Organ                    Raw Meat
>>>     Fiddle Bow                      Reamer
>>>     Fish                            Red Cap
>>>     Fishing Rod                     Rod
>>>     Flapper                         Rod of Love
>>>     Fool-Sticker                    Rolling Pin
>>>     Forefinger                      Root
>>>     Foreman                 Rudder
>>>     Frinding Tool                   Rupert
>>>     Fucker                          Russel the Wonder Muscle
>>>     Gadget                          Salami
>>>     Gardener                        Sausage
>>>     Giggle Stick                    Sceptre
>>>     Giggling Pin                    Schlong
>>>     Gooser                          Sexing Piece
>>>     Gravy Maker                     Shaft
>>>     Gristle                         Shmock
>>>     Gun                             Short Arm
>>>     Gut Stick                       Shvontz
>>>     Gut Wrench                      Sidekick
>>>     Hair Splitter                   Silent Flute
>>>     Hairy Hot Dog                   Skin Flute
>>>     Hambone                 Snake
>>>     Hammer                  Sove Devil
>>>     Hanging Johnny          Spanky
>>>     Heat-Seeking Moisture           Spigot
>>>     Hoe Handle                      Spike-Faggot
>>>     Holy Porker                     Spindle
>>>     Horn                            Split-Rump
>>>     Hose                            Spout
>>>     Hot Rod                 St. Peter
>>>     Jack in the Box                 Staff
>>>     Jemson                          Steaming Hot Kanga
>>>     Jerking Iron                    Stem
>>>     Jigger                          Stick
>>>     Jimmy                           Sting
>>>     Jing Jang                       Stump
>>>     Jockam                          Sugar Stick
>>>     Johnnie                         Sweater
>>>     Johnny                          Sword
>>>     Johnny One-Eye          Tail Pin
>>>     Johnson                 Tally-Whacker
>>>     Joint                           Tassel
>>>     Joy Knob                        Tent Pig
>>>     Joy Prong                       The Admiral
>>>     Joy Stick                       Thing
>>>     Key                             Third Arm
>>>     Kidney Cracker                  Third Leg
>>>     Kidney Wiper                    Thistle
>>>     Kielbasa                        Throbber
>>>     King Member                     Throbbing Python of Love
>>>     Knob                            Tickle-Gizzard
>>>     Knocker                 Tickler
>>>     Ladies' Delight                 Tong
>>>     Ladies' Lollipop                        Tool
>>>     Ladies' Treasure                Torch or Cupid
>>>     Lamp of Life                    Toy
>>>     Lance                           Trap-Stick
>>>     Life Preserver                  Trouser Anaconda
>>>     Little Brother                  Tube Steak
>>>     Little Willie                   Uncle Dick
>>>     Live Sausage                    Vomiting Cobra
>>>     Liver Turner                    Wand
>>>     Lizard                          Wang
>>>     Lob                             Wazoo
>>>     Lobcock                 Weapon
>>>     Lobster                         Wedge
>>>     Lollypop                        Weenie
>>>     Long Dong Silver                Whacker
>>>     Long John                       Whip
>>>     Love Dart                       Whistle
>>>     Love Gun                        Whore-Pipe
>>>     Love Muscle                     Wick
>>>     Lucy                            Wiener
>>>     Lung Disturber                  Willie
>>>     Mad Mick                        Willy
>>>     Magic Wand                      Wingle
>>>     Man-Root                        Wire
>>>     Marrow Bone                     Worm
>>>     Master John Thursday            Yang
>>>     Master of Ceremonies            Yard
>>>     Meat                            Yosh
>>>     Meat Hook                       Zubrick
>>>     In 1469, Spanish Captain Juan deSchlong was exploring the
>>>frontier of the new world.  He was following the Mississippi River
>>>northward, when a group of Apaches attacked.  The natives slaughtered
>>>Captain deSchlong's entire party except for the captain and his
>>>wench.  As the Indians prepared to kill Juan, and rape his wench, the
>>>Captain thought quickly.  Yanking down his pants, he pulled out his
>>>sidekick and aimed it squarely at the savages.  Had Captain deSchlong
>>>any underwear on he would not have had the time to reveal his fifth
>>>appendage.  The Apaches ran in utter terror and embarrassment after
>>>trying to compare to such a large specimen.  They never bothered
>>>deSchlong or his family again.  In honor of the penis and how it
>>>Captain Juan deSchlong, and his wench, we mark March sixth as
>>>Penis Day (NPD), and we proudly display and compare our penises to
all we
>>>meet, and because of the fact that he happened not to be wearing any
>>>underwear on this day, neither shall we.  Happy Penis Day!!!
>>>This holiday message brought to you by the FCPLADD.
>>>We in the FCPLADD do not discriminate against anyone for race,
>>weight, >or any other reason, however, we do reserve
>>>the right to make fun of them for it.  (OK, maybe we do discriminate
>>>against fat people a little bit, but come on, you can't tell us speas
>>>doesn't deserve it)  FCPLADD is a copyright of FCPLADD inc.  All

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