Re: Disassembling BASIC?
Re: Disassembling BASIC?
Yes they are stored in plain text, but then when you run it, it
tokenizes all the commands. That's why it takes so long after you edit
a program to run it, but not the second time.
>From: po_boxx_823@HOTMAIL.COM[SMTP:po_boxx_823@HOTMAIL.COM]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 1997 3:33 PM
>Subject: Re: Disassembling BASIC?
>> The 8xp file is tokenized BASIC, not machine language. Each keyword (found
>> in the catalog) is turned into a 1-byte token, not an ml op-code. If you
>> a diassembler on it you'll be assembling garbage.
>And this saves memory? Doesn't the 85/86 not do this? I have noticed
>the 82 seems to do this, and thus has very memory conserving programs.
>I have noticed a program in 85 basic is several times larger than a
>program that does the same thing in 82 basic. This suggests that the 85
>stores it's programs in plain text, and this dissembler should be
>possible for the 85, at least.
>Indeed, the 85 does store programs as plain text. For instance,
>ever notice how on the 80, 81, 82, 83 if you try to delete a
>single character from a function you selected (say Disp or
>something) the whole function disappears? Those calcs store
>a function as a one (or two) byte reference variable to know to
>which one you are referring. The 85/86 supports just typing in
>any function withouth having to select it from a menu (hence,
>you could type sin x as SIN x, sIN x or whatever). So they are
>stored as plain text because of this.