Re: Factoring with TI 92
Re: Factoring with TI 92
yes, the TI-92 can do that. When you factor x^2 + 2xy + y^2, you type
in "factor(x^2+2x*y+y^2)" and it will factor over the two variables.
NOTE: if you type in "factor(x^2+2x*y+y^2,x)" or
factor(x^2+2x*y+y^2,y)", it will still factor the expression correctly,
but some more complex will not be returned in factored form, because you
are telling the calc to factor over only ONE variable when you put the
,x or ,y at the end. For two or more variables, don't type anything at
the end. Hope this helps.
gpjl wrote:
> Hello. On the TI-92, is it possible to factor equations in two
> variables? For example, will the TI-92 factor :
> x^2 + xy + y^2
> as
> (x +y) (x +y)?
> or
> x^2y^2 + 7xy + 12
> as
> (xy + 3) (xy +4)?
> If you know how this can be done, please email me. I will be very
> interested in your reply.
> Thanks in advance.
> gpjl