Re: Networked 8x calcs :)


Re: Networked 8x calcs :)

I've already done that too.  Mine uses the AppleTalk protocall so you can
exchange information with macintosh computers easily.  There is also a
much simplier method wothout AppleTalk.  I didn't know there was any
interest in this.  It uses a custom network stack with error correction
CRC, and up to 40 calcs can be connected over standard phone cable.  The
power for the boxes, each under $7 to make, come from a main powersupply.
(5 amps at 5v)  I'll release schematics and plans for it by next week.

Things to come in the network, are built in Extender uP, speaker and speaker!

Also, the TI83 version of the Extender uP is comming soon!  I am porting
the source from the 92 to the 83, 82, 85, and 86.  I am currently looking
to buy a used 82,85,and 86.  If you have an unused one, please e-mail!

Grant Stockly
