Re: Slippy level 6, TI83
Re: Slippy level 6, TI83
At 09:55 PM 11/14/97 +0100, you wrote:
>I give up. How do you complete level 6 on slippy for the TI83?
>Looks like this:
>*= hole +=coin %=push-block S=Slippy
>------ --------
>| *+++|
>| 2- * 4 |
>| 3 ** *|
>| S|
>| ****|
> 1 *+++|
>| *+++|
As you will notice, I numbered the "push-blocks" to help you out.
Here are the steps to solving level 6:
1) Push 2 down and left
2) Push 3 left and down
3) Push 1 left, up, and right
4) Get the coins
5) Push 4 down
6) Get the coins
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"