Re: Helped need for ti-85
Re: Helped need for ti-85
You need a shell to run the game. These shells are transmitted to your
calculator though a backup; the strings do not convert to programs. Go to for all your file needs, though.
At 04:47 PM 11/9/97 -0700, J.L wrote:
>Hello, I was just wondering if anybody could help me out? I have a TI-85
>calculator, and a graph link. I found a good program<ti program> on the net
>and downloaded it to my computer then I connected the graph link to my
>computer and my calculator. It sent perfectly but after that I am
>baffled. I want to run it but it somehow it is in the strng directory and I
>don't know how to put the program i download into the Program menu! This
>is my first time using my graph link. So if you have a TI-85 calculator
>and you know what to do after you received a program in your calculator
>then please email at