Re: Assembly-83


Re: Assembly-83

>I really need HELP! For my very first asm program, which looks like this, I
>ran it through the assembly process and got a prog that is shown below.
>When I run that program on my calculator by saying "Send(prgmCLRSCRN" on a

You did this wrong...                               "Send(prgmCLRSCRN"
The correct way is: "Send(9prgmCLRSCRN"

I know asm if you need futher help.

Grant Stockly

>different program My calc does different things. Sometimes it freezes and I
>can't turn it back on or some REALLY strange images, letters, etc. show up
>on the screen.
>#define equ .equ
>#define EQU .equ
>#define end .end
>#include ""
>#include ""
>.org 9327h
>        call    _CLRLCDFULL