How to make .83p files from ASM
How to make .83p files from ASM
My son bought TI-83 for his school and I have MSX (Z80 PC). Naturally I
tried to assemble and link the sample program.
Since there is no 'how to load a program using the source' document, I
tried several ways and finally found how to do it.
My procedure is as follows:
1. Use M80 to assemble the source program after modify some parts of the
program such as replace 'org 9327h' by 'cseg'.(MSX)
2. Use L80 to link with switch /x and /p:9327 to obtain ascii hex
example: A>\L80 /P:9327, test, test/x/n/e
3. Use an editor to extract the essential part of the program and save it
in a floppy disk.(MSX)
4. Open WinLink and copy and paste the essential part of the hex file to
its window.(PC)
5. Save the file as a .83p file using WinLink save menu or Send the program
using Graph Link cable.(PC, TI-83 & Cable)
Are there any smarter way to do the above?
M. Arai (