Re: 2var stats on the 85
Re: 2var stats on the 85
Its a wonder why TI would make such a limit on a new calc...
Str1 - 9 and 0 are the only Strings I have. :(
Grant Stockly
>The 85 does have lists and strings. There is no limit to the number of
>variables because all variables can have real names, not just numbers like
>STRING1 on the 83.
>Jeff Tyrrill
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Grant Stockly [SMTP:gussie@ALASKA.NET]
>Sent: Friday, November 07, 1997 10:17 PM
>Subject: Re: 2var stats on the 85
>Not having an 85, and thinking about getting one, I was wondering if there
>was a way to store Lists. I know they have strings. Is it limited? On
>the 83, you can only have 10 strings, lists, 26 matricies, and 30 window
>Grant Stockly
>>Just Press STAT, EDIT, and you can edit xStat and yStat, or any other
>>lists, together. To choose the lists to use when performing statistics
>>calculations, just press STAT, CALC and enter the list names.
>>Jeff Tyrrill
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Garvin [SMTP:cung@WORLDNET.ATT.NET]
>>Sent: Thursday, November 06, 1997 3:59 PM
>>Subject: 2var stats on the 85
>>Is there a way to do 2 variable statistics on the ti85 without a program?
>> Garvin
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