Re: 2var stats on the 85
Re: 2var stats on the 85
The 85 does have lists and strings. There is no limit to the number of
variables because all variables can have real names, not just numbers like
STRING1 on the 83.
Jeff Tyrrill
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly [SMTP:gussie@ALASKA.NET]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 1997 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: 2var stats on the 85
Not having an 85, and thinking about getting one, I was wondering if there
was a way to store Lists. I know they have strings. Is it limited? On
the 83, you can only have 10 strings, lists, 26 matricies, and 30 window
Grant Stockly
>Just Press STAT, EDIT, and you can edit xStat and yStat, or any other
>lists, together. To choose the lists to use when performing statistics
>calculations, just press STAT, CALC and enter the list names.
>Jeff Tyrrill
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Garvin [SMTP:cung@WORLDNET.ATT.NET]
>Sent: Thursday, November 06, 1997 3:59 PM
>Subject: 2var stats on the 85
>Is there a way to do 2 variable statistics on the ti85 without a program?
> Garvin
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