Re: 85 and 86 computer linking capability?


Re: 85 and 86 computer linking capability?

Curtiss Howard wrote in message <>...
>I was wondering if, since the 86 and 85 are basically the same
>calculator (in terms of underlying structure, and yes, the 86 does have
>more memory, etc), that their computer links would work with each
>other?   For example, could my homemade 85 parallel link work with an
>86?  Could I then just use link85xp to send 86 data if i rename *.86p to
>*.85g, etc.?  I noticed that on the only 86 linking program
>only supported the TI link, and if I can't link an 86 to the computer
>via the parallel link this may change my decision to buy one.  Anyone
>know about this?

The hardware will work OK but there's internal header info in 85p and 86p
files that wouldn't be changed by a simple rename.  The TI link is serial
only but you should be able to use the third party parallel link software
with your homemade link.  Of course TI only offers its own link on their
site but TI-Calc and TI Philes should have software for you.

Tom Lake
