Re: Is the TI-92 worth the cost?


Re: Is the TI-92 worth the cost?

Hi.. I have both a TI-92 and a TI-85

To answer your question.. I don't think the 92 is worth the cost if all you
are going to use it for is Algebra and Trig.  I bought mine because i plan
on going into particle physics, and i thought it might help a bit ;-)

Unfortunately, most of the time i'm not allowed to use the 92 here in high
school, so i had to program the 85 to do things the 92 could do.  What I
use the 85 most for is calculating limits..

I have included a program i wrote called CALC that does Limits and
Quadratic Formula.

I will be updating the program as we progress into the year.

Oh yes.. I also have other programs for the 85...
One that is invaluable in Trig, One that adds vectors for Physics, and one
that does Empirical Formula for Chemistry

Please mail me at mailto:// if you would like a copy
of these.

Cya, and peace to the world through Calculators :-P

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