Re: ti-86 + zshell
Re: ti-86 + zshell
Well, assuming it's an assembler with no limitations (ie: compare it to
programming assembler in plain 8086 mode or under the annoying watchful eye
of win95 on a normal PC...)... if it has no limits, you can do anything
that the calculator can physically do. It can create those 86 ASM files...
so, you can make some ASM code that does the same.
-- wrote in article <5o2ps9$o5o$>...
> I was wondering if it was possible at all to make a program (not for the
> calc, but on a PC or something) that would take the .85s zshell program
> and convert it into 86's built in asm. or even convert the TASM code
> precompiled and convert it into the asm commands. that way you wouldn't
> need a shell, you could just convert you're old zshell programs and
> i know it wouldn't be as simple as that but is this kind of thing
> at all?
> --
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