Re: asm question


Re: asm question

On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:

> .MODEL tiny
> HelloMsg DB 'Hello World!',0Ah,0Dh,'$'
> HlWorld PROC
>  MOV AH,9
>  INT 21h
>  MOV AH,4Ch
>  INT 21h
> HiWorld ENDP
> something like that should work.
> NB: DOS (int 21h) func 9 prints a string, where a $ marks the end. (the 0Dh
> and 0Ah is the byte-equivalent of a new line. the dos func 4Ch is for
> ending your program.
> compile that to a COM file. (that's what the model tiny is for.)

The original question, shown below, asks how to make the program with "83asm".
And since it's on the TI calculator mailing list, it's safe to assume that
they meant the TI-83. It has an entirely different microprocessor, and doesn't
run DOS or have COM files.

> Doug Torrance <> wrote in article
> <>...
> > How would you make a "hello world" prog in 83asm?
> >
> > Thanks a bunch!
