Fargo Problems-- ROM 1.11


Fargo Problems-- ROM 1.11

I have one of those masked versions of ROM version 1.11 and I have not
been able to get Fargo to work. I even tried the pre- backed up
version for that ROM found on the Fargo Archive, but in the long run I
still get an error. Help?

Technical note: I am using a parallel port link with Win Link since it
is the only software that supports backups on lpt2 (My lpt1 blew out
or something earlier this year, so I just got a 1996 port card from
the school's spare parts). I have tried it with a graph link too, but
the results are the same (Which actually makes me happy, because I
don't want to buy $85 package when I can use my old electronics kit

I would apreaciate e-mail responce (address is below) since I don't
check this NG very often.

Devin Bryant

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