Re: TI-83 or 86, can't decide
Re: TI-83 or 86, can't decide
In article <5nn1bo$>, (Amateur) wrote:
>As a high school student going into Algebra II and Calculus later on.
>I am curious as to which calculator is better for my needs, the 83 or
>86. I have been pricing them both and looked upon the different
>discussions, but as am yet undecided. I would appreciate some help in
>this decision. Thanks in advance.
If you want to do calc... it has to be the 86. IMHO here is what happened. TI
made the 85.. the best damn calc they ever had... but, it lacked some of the
cool features that the 82 had.. which in turn lacked alot the the power of the
85. So, they built the 83... which was more or less a better 82. It had the
cool features (tables etc...) that the 85 did not have... and it implemented
some more calculus features. The 86 is the update to the 85.. therefore, it
has not only the cool features, but it has 85esque power and performance.
if you can afford it and plan to do math for a while, get an 86.
Check out the TI-pages for the feature by feature comparasion.
Nicolo Paganini -
"Tell me who doesn't love what can never come back."