Re: int(1/x^2,x,-1,1)
Re: int(1/x^2,x,-1,1)
Thanks Michael,
I have Derive XM 3.05 - I just checked it again and I was wrong; it
gives the integral, int(1/x^2,x,-1,1) = -2.
Which reminds me again of the fun I have with this.
The serious, smart, gifted and talented calculus students
who accept this absurd result as computer gospel - hilarious!
I'm sorry the '92 doesn't make that mistake too.
Michael Keyton wrote:
> It gives infinity.
> What version of Derive are you using?
> MMichael Keyton
> > I don't have the '92, but I'm a Deriver from way back. One of
> > the curious bugs in Derive is that, if you integrate 1/x^2 from
> > -1 to 1, it give you 2.
> >