Re: TI-92 Graph Link bugs?
Re: TI-92 Graph Link bugs?
On 26 May 1997 02:26:22 GMT, arnow@newton.Colorado.EDU (Jim Arnow)
>I have been using the TI-92's in a high school math class where I am
>having my students us the text editors to write reports. I am finding
>a number of problems in the approach, among them not being able to
>limit the number of digits that are pasted in when an expression is
>copied from the home screen.
>That problem does not seem like a "bug" to me, just a silly operating
>system. My main problem has been with printing the reports via the
>Graph Link software. What I have been noticing with 55 students
>trying to print out their reports on vaiours Macs is that over time
>the software seems to break down.
>While some of the 92's seem unable to even transmit their reports to
>the Macs successfully, what is even more troubling is the behavior of
>the Macs as they try to print. One fairly typical example: on one mac
>that I had been using in the classroom to print out a number of
>reports, the report would successfully print out, and then the
>computer would crash. The next time, the computer would only print
>out a partial report befre crashing. Next, the computer would crash
>before even starting the printout. After reinstalling the graphlink
>software, the computer printed out successfully....
>Any ideas on what's going on? I'm having a hard time justifying the
>use of the technology if it's going to cause me so many hassles...
>Jim Arnow
They're probably crashing because of a memory problem. Try selecting
the application's icon and from the file menu select "Get Info..."
(Command i ). Increase the size of available memory to the program (I
usually increase it to the recommended or greater size.)
Another problem might be a bug in the preference file (Especially if
you're getting a Type 1 or 2 error). I know it's a pain but it's
easier to delete the preferences than it is to reinstall the software.