Re: TI-92 and version 1.12


Re: TI-92 and version 1.12

In article <kd5511r-2805971627570001@>,
(MrLocke) wrote:

> I have a TI-92 with a rom of 1.12, and I have never had any problems.
> Fargo runs perfectly on it, and it has no documented bugs.  I would
> recommend keeping it, becuase you got an extremly good deal.  (Mine cost
> $195).  If you have any questions, E-Mail me at :
>                               MrLocke

Thanks for the info. I've been using it quite a bit over the past few days
and I haven't come across any strange behavior. I'm actually quite amazed
at how sophisticated this thing is for a calculator. I find it extrememly
easy to use and work with. The programming features are also very easy to
learn for anyone who knows C or any other high level programming language.

C ya, Joe


        When the only tool you have is a hammer,
        everything begins to look like a nail.

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