Re: An open letter to web-browsing TI enthusiasts.
Re: An open letter to web-browsing TI enthusiasts.
There are tons of Calculator Web Pages out there that start with some
files they "leeched" off other web pages. Where else are they supposed to
get them? Anyway, so has not been operating or quite a while
now, every site is expected to go through some rough times, and
had its. But, when they finally come back and find out that there is a
really good page, they get upset. MANY people have web pages but do the staff get mad at them? No. eNdocomp ( runs
the fargo archive. Now it seems to me that a member is
betraying the team by challening the Fargo files at
It is just a case where someone just as good as comes along
and they can't take it. In NO way does TI Files want to get rid of (Well, they do now b/c is being so rude). They
wanted to simply coexist. can have the "old" people who want
to stick with it and enjoy the simple interface with no graphics hardly
while the "new" calculator users who enjoy Java and neat graphics can use
TI Files.
Come to IRC EfNet. There are two main channels. #ti-files where you
don't get banned unless you're flooding the channel or something and
#calc-ti where you get banned if you look at one of the ops crosseyed.
~Andrew Bishop
~68k ASM programmer (still learning!)
~Pascal programmer