Re: CALC-TI: Re: 86 Assembly


Re: CALC-TI: Re: 86 Assembly

> I HAVE TASM.  That's how 83 Assembly works.  What I want to know, if you are
> right, is why the manual makes a distinction between ASCII assembly programs and
> HEX assembly programs, and why they even have the function
> "AsmComp(AsciiProgName, HexProgName)" if this is the case.  The 86 WILL compile
> assembly, but the formatting is screwy.  It's truly frustrating.

>From what I have heard, you enter the hex codes into the program just like the
83. It would be stored in the program editor as ASCII at this point.

For example, a code "5A" would be represented in memory by the ascii code "5"
followed by "A". That's two bytes, and probably one byte for every newline. I
think this is the *only* format the 83 uses.

If you then AsmComp() your program, it takes the two ASCII digits and converts
them to the actual byte 5A in the output "hex" program. That would make it
take up about half the memory of the "ascii" program. But I think that once a
program has been converted to hex, you can't edit it from the program editor

It is sort of like the way the 85 and 86 tokenize their program. The first
time after you edit the program, the word "getky" would be stored as the
actual sequence of letters it contains. But the first time you run it, the
program is tokenized, and your "getky" is turned into a code representing the
full word. Hence the delay the first time you run any programn after it's

I could be wrong about any of this though. I only have an 82. =8-)

