Re: 82 ASM


Re: 82 ASM

At 07:00 PM 6/27/97 -0400, you wrote:
>For those of you who where here about a year age... Do you remember when
>I was the only one who thought that there was a way to exploit something
>in the 82 and write an assembly shell... WELL NOW WHOSE CRAZY!!!!

I also never lost faith in the fact that one day an assembly shell for the
82 wasn't possible.  I would only doubt that it was possible if I saw
schematics PROVING it wasn't (nobody ever showed me a thing).  All people
could do to "prove" it was silly little desciptions about a building called
ROM, a janitor, another building called RAM, and a bunch of popcorn.  They
call that proof, I call it ignorance.

BTW, all this assembly shell conversation should move to the new
Assembly-82 mailing list...see TI-CALC.ORG for details.

Thomas J. Hruska

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