Re: copyright
Re: copyright
Richard Bowman wrote:
> Hmmm... Oh, yes that makes sense... TI would be _pleased_ for you to
> distribute the source code of their calculator for free. Oh, yes, that
> makes
> bunches of sense. I am sure they would be about as pleased as if
> Microsoft
> saw that you had posted the 11 million lines of Windows95 code (eww,
> thats a
> lot of spagetti code <G>)...
But you are missing one SMALL difference: there are tons of PCs around,
and you can compile win95 to run on any of them for free, for example.
And the source to ROM is useless without a calc to run it on, and all
calcs do come from TI (AFAIK... :) and we pay for them
> TI doesn't make very much money off of you downloading a free ROM, so
> I am
> thinking that might not help finish much. Sounds more like it would
> hurt
> business more.
Exactly how? They aren't making money selling TI-OS, like MicroSloth
is. They are selling the chips, and the OS comes with 'em...