Re: ##TI-82 with ROM version 7*. Seriously!!!##


Re: ##TI-82 with ROM version 7*. Seriously!!!##

ilya winham wrote:
> A friend of mine got a TI-82 at a pawn shop with the ROM version of
> 7*.  I  am wondering if anybody else has seen or heard of this.  It is
> really old. <SNIPPED>
> I have only heard of the ROM versions 4.0, 7*, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0
> If you have or heard of another ROM version for the 82 please tell me!

I have never heard of ROM 7*, but my 82's ROM version is 10.0.


"We must view with profound respect the infinite capacity of the human
mind to resist the introduction of useful knowledge."

                        --Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury
