Re: ZSHELL?????
Re: ZSHELL?????
> >> Are you yelling, or are you just using an Apple?
> >
> >I'm using a mac, and it doesn't seem like my posts end up yelling, so
> >I'd have
> >to assume that he's either yelling or doesn't know his caps lock is
> >on.
> You know, every time I see a post in all caps, someone replys with
> "he/she doesn't know his/her caps lock is on" COME ON PEOPLE! If someone
> types with their caps lock on, and doesn't know it, they don't know their
> ass from a hole in the ground! How on Earth do you type with your caps
> lock on, and not know it?! Don't you think all the capital letters would
I think they know their capslock is on, but they don't realize it will be
interpreted as yelling. Many people type in whatever case hits their fancy,
before they're on the net.
Or maybe capslock is on by default, and they don't know what the capslock key
happens to do.
Or maybe their computer doesn't support lowercase letters.