ASH <-> OShell (Info.)
ASH <-> OShell (Info.)
Here is today's update on the ASH <-> OShell-82 Development Kit:
Jul 19, 1997: I spent most of my day going pouring over the source code
for my sprite routine after I crashed my calculator five times in a row.
At 8:30pm (after staring at the source for three hours), I came across a
line of code that was in the wrong spot. It was supposed to change the
zero flag but was later cancelled out by an ADD instruction along with a
pop af...therefore putting it in an infinite loop. Oops :) 160 lines of
code (for a single routine) is no walk in the park when it comes to bugs.
I have yet to test the updated program. I now have a zillion sprite
routines on my hard drive, and I thank everyone who sent me one.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"