TI 95
TI 95
Subject: TI 95
From: "Charles Alexis.MOSSA"@DG1B.CEC.BE
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 17:29:15 +0200
Reply-To: "Charles Alexis.MOSSA"@DG1B.CEC.BE
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Dear Sirs,
I have bought in Brussels (Belgium)a TI 95, a very old model which was produced in the 80's.I am looking for Rom-Ram Cartridges dealing with mathematics,and celestial navigation(for sailor-men). Does anybody know if and where I could find such products, and more generally if there still is a list of Rom-Ram cartridges which were produced by T.I. at that time with relevant topics ?
My e.mail address is quite complicate due to my fore-name, but you could try :
Many thanks in advance