Re: PRGM82 and Ash
Re: PRGM82 and Ash
Matt Maurano wrote:
> When you use PRGM82, it outputs an 82p ASM file that is unlocked. If
> you modify the 82p file in any way, it ruins the checksum, and it is
> not recognized as an ASM file by Ash. Would it be possible to either
> write a program to redo the checksum for an ASM program, or to modify
> PRGM82?
You can use to update the checksum on the file. You can download at the
ASM 82
Web Site in the Ash and OShell-82 Help Section. The URL is:
(The program is not up right now, but I will add it as soon as send this mail.
Therefore, it will be up in 5-10 minutes. [July 14th, 12:30pm EST])