Re: Trouble with the 92 is...
Re: Trouble with the 92 is...
In article <01IL2GE3ZYNO000ANO@WIZARD.FIRN.EDU>, "James D. Yopp"
<> wrote:
:)~I'm sorry that I have to disagree with an obviously happy TI-92 user,
but... If
:)~you are going to buy an 86, get it. The 92 may be better, but it is
not allowed
:)~for use on any standardized tests. The 92 is banned from: SAT, SATII, PSAT,
:)~ACT, AP Tests, and almost every Math class in America.
It is true that it is banned on these tests (because of the QWERTY keypad,
but if you really need a TI-92 for the math on these tests, you shouldn't
even have an 82! :) Most of the math is geometry, or is algebra that can
be done on a 4-function calc., and with the math on these test, you either
know it, or you don't.
And the TI-92 isn't banned from "almost every math class in America", I
don't know where you got that from.
-Justin Smith
And it occured to me as he drove away: