Re: ASM Code problem


Re: ASM Code problem

  push hl                  ; Temporarily store hl on the stack
  push de                  ; Temporarily store de on the stack
  ld hl,$38FA              ; $38 -> h, $FA -> l **TASM Transposes immediates!
  ld de,(ROM_LOCATION)     ; $00 -> e, $00 -> d
  add hl,de                ; $38 -> h, $FA -> l
  ld (FINAL_ADDR),hl       ; h -> (FINAL_ADDR), l->(FINAL_ADDR+1)
  pop de                   ; Retrieve de from the stack
  pop hl                   ; Retrieve hl from the stack
  call (FINAL_ADDR)        ; call $38FA

James D. Yopp, Jr.
"Time is the fire in which we burn."