Re: Delay on 83?


Re: Delay on 83?

very simple. This particular method of delay will always be the same.
Turbo'ed or unturbo'ed. every halt statement, except the first, is exactly
1/200th of a second.

HALT is an opcode that completely stops the cpu until an interrupt comes.
That interrupt on the ti85 is in the form of the timer.. it triggers 200
times per second.

so, to wait for a second, you would do this:

Loop1: LD B,200
DJNZ Loop1

Off the top of my head, never actually used this particular technique, but
should work.

ix and iy are used for pointers. you can't split them up (ie: i and x are
not registers.. unlike, say, hl, where h and l are also registers). they
are 16-bit regs. essentially, you load em up with a pointer for use in
communicating between routines.


Bert Kuo <bertk@BLARG.NET> wrote in article
> What is the best way to implement a delay in Ti83 ASM programs? (like for
> animation purposes.)
> Also, what are the ix and iy registers used for?  do they have any
> properties, or are they like just extra registers we can use?
> Bert Kuo
> (
