TI-Basic = great ASM = not yet


TI-Basic = great ASM = not yet

With all the fuss on ASM for the 82,83,86 and all other calcs you
would think ASM would be a great thing for TI calcs.  But it hasn't
panned out yet.  Until some people put the time in to make some great
blow your mind away games in ASM it has virtually no practical use.
There are hundreds more TI basic games and programs for the 82/83/85.
Basic programs are fairly easy to write and can be enjoyable.  So keep
programming in TI Basic because it has and always will be the main way
to program.  ASM is just too complex and risky.  Unless ASM
programmers take the time to make many more games it is just a waste
of time.  I know ASM is new to TI programmers but if things don't pick
up soon they never will.
