Some Programs


Some Programs

In light of all the recent assembly discussion(USGARD,Supernova,
Ushell, Ash, OShell), I decided to post a few of my good 'ol TI-BASIC

Program Descriptions:

ALPHA.85G-A TI-BASIC alphalock program. Just type away. Alpha
        key changes between cases. Clear clears the screen(nifty huh!)
        Return takes you to the next line. (pretty self-explanatory). Needs
        lower.85P and upper.85P to run.

SPPIR.85P-Do you remember the old Spirograph toy? The one where
        two gears rotated around each other, making neat patterns? Well,
        I've replicated that on the 85. You must be patient, however.
        There are three resolutions.

BOWL.85P-Well, it's Bowling just on the old DOS. I know the
        scoring isn't correct, but I really don't know how to score
        in bowling. Other than that, it should work fine. Includes high

VIRUS.85G-Variations on a theme-Not really a true virus,
        but it will sure shut your calc down in a hurry.
                GraphV-Destroys calc when you graph ANYTHING.
                RETURNV-Detsroys calc when it is finished running.
                RoulettV-Gives you a 50/50 chance of runnung the virus. Must be
                        used in cnjunction with unusable.85p
                TetrisV-Destroys calc when tetris is run.
                Unusable-Destroys calc right afer it is run.
                VIRUS2-A different kind of thing. Produces the same results though.
                ZShellV-Destroys calc when ZShell is run.

TIMECLK.85G-Timeclock. Includes Punch In, Punch Out, Calculate(Hours
        Today, Total Minutes, Total Hours). Reset with Password Protection.
        Run Install to setup program.

SCROLL.85G-Text Scroller. Scrolls 9 characters across the screen.

PLEASE e-mail me back at with questions,
comments, or criticism.


programs (WinZip File)