pc link to audio
pc link to audio
It is a chore to connect the graph link cable on my computer, and the
size of the 25 pin adapter is a problem because it is too wide and
pushes the neighboring plug over to the side.
***Has anyone ever tried to make a cable to connect through the audio
plug that is on the FRONT of the computer. If you can make sound
with the calculator it seems to me that it would be possible to go
the other way. (The port I'm talking about is so that you can
plug in headphones and listen to the sound without everyone in the
room having to hear Road Rash.)
***Is there a 9 pin to 9 pin cable out there so that at least I can
get that fat old adapter away from the neighboring plugs?
Linda Tansil
Cape Central H.S.
205 Caruthers
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
fax: 573-334-1114