Re: graph link problem
Re: graph link problem
One very important thing you need to do is make sure that you don't have
else accessing ANY comm ports. For example, the HotSync program that comes
USR's Palm Pilot accesses comm port X. Even if you're trying to use comm port
with the Graphlink program, it will still probably fail.
jhanson wrote:
> I have a problem with the link port from the graph link software to the
> computer. for some reason the graph link cannot find the correct port
> to pass the info through. I keep getting transmission errors and things
> of that nature.
> What I need to know is - how do I get the graph link or the computer
> find the right link port to use.
> i.a. - the link is connected to a standard 9-pin serial port on
> computer via 9 to 25 pin adapter.
> any help would be appreciated. thanks