Re: Problem with Downloaded program for TI 83
Re: Problem with Downloaded program for TI 83
Yannick wrote:
> I've downloaded a few games for TI 83 (nibbles for exemple) and i wanted to
> see the sources of programs : some doesn't appear in the list and other are
> not editable.
> How is it possible ?
> I think the programs are in assembly language but how is it possible to
> program the TI 83 in a such language : there is no editor for that ??
> Excuse my english : i'm french
If you open a *.83P file in Graph-Link 83 you will notice at the bottom of
program window a checkbox that looks like: [ ] Protected. Checking that will
make a program NOT editable and therefore invisible in the edit menu. BASIC and
ASM programs can be hidden.
There is no editor in the calculator for ASM. You program on your computer,
compile it into an *.83P, then send it. Look for "dimention ti" for more info.
- Julian