Re: 86 fSTAT elements
Re: 86 fSTAT elements
If you are trying to do one-variable statistics on the numbers in x-stat, and
all frequencies are 1, the entries in f-stat will not show up until you
complete the calculation. Edit the values into x-stat, or y-stat if you
choose, then QUIT.
In the STAT menu, select CALC, F1 (OneVar) then enter the name of the list on
which you wish to work. The list names can be found in the LIST menu under F3
(NAMES). The results will be displayed. If you now look at the lists you will
see the entries of 1 in the f-stat list.
Ben Sultenfuss <>
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
1936 North Street, PO Box 13040, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962-3040
Voice: Office: 409-468-3805 Home: 409-560-5508
Fax: Office: 409-468-1669 Home: 409-560-0038
> From: Greg <gregch@GTE.NET>
> Subject: 86 fSTAT elements
> Date: Thursday, December 25, 1997 10:24
> The 86 Guidebook manual (came w/ calculator) in chapt 14, page 200, step 1
> : states the default fSTAT elements are 1 and are shown as a 1 in the
> right hand column. Our 86 does not show any numbers and the program will
> not run correctly unless you enter the ones. We have done the mem/default
> reset and still come up w/ an empty column. Why doesn't our 86 come up w/
> the ones?