Re: Change in access to Calc-TI
Re: Change in access to Calc-TI
At 05:42 PM 12/12/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Use the "Reply to All" command to automatically reply to the list.
>Jeff Tyrrill
Um...Well, that will send duplicates of the messages both to the list and
the original sender. In that case, I might as well do what I've been doing
all along: Highlight, delete, right-click, select "Insert-Recipient",
select "TI-CALC". Pain in the neck, but it works. See now why I asked for
the "Reply-To:" be the addr. of the listserv? Just saves bandwidth is all
it will do.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Thomas J. Hruska [SMTP:thruska@TIR.COM]
>Sent: Friday, December 12, 1997 6:42 PM
>Subject: Re: Change in access to Calc-TI
>At 02:17 PM 12/12/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>To help reduce the amount of garbage we see on this list, calc-ti is now a
>>private list (at least temporarily) - this means that only subscribers to
>>list can send mail to it.
>>Those who read the newsgroup bit.listserv.calc-ti should be unaffected. In
>>fact, most of you will not see a difference and can continue
participating on
>>the list as usual, but this change is bound to cause some difficulties for
>>If your email address has changed (even slightly) since you first
>subscribed to
>>calc-ti, you will no longer be able to post. You must first unsubscribe
>>your old address and resubscribe with the your new address. If you need
>>doing that, please send a note to me at or
>>If you read calc-ti from a redistribution list, you will no longer be
able to
>>post until you personally subscribe.
>>There are a few more scenarios like the two above, but I'm sure you get the
>>point. Please let us know if you have any trouble.
>>Thanks and best regards,
>It's about time. I was getting real sick of having some video message pop
>up between the real messages. One other change you guys should make is to
>have the "Reply-To:" field on your server be the CALC-TI list. That way we
>can just press our reply buttons and send the message back to the listserv
>instead of the person who sent it.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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