Re: Sigma notation for 86
Re: Sigma notation for 86
Combine the commands
Ben Sultenfuss <>
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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> From: Jeff Tyrrill <Jeff_Tyrrill@MSN.COM>
> Subject: Re: Sigma notation for 86
> Date: Wednesday, December 10, 1997 23:00
> Yes. Use the SEQ() function. For example, type:
> seq(2x,x,1,4)
> where 2x is the expression, x is the var to be changed, and 1 and 4 are the
> minimum and maximum. A list will be generated. An optional (I think it's
> optional) 5th argument says the step value. The default is 1. A step value
> of 3, for example, would increase x by 3 rather than 1. If the step value
> is negative, then the "minimum" value should be larger than the "maximum"
> value.
> If you get an ERROR: ARGUMENT, then add ,1 to the end of the function.
> To sum the list, type
> sum(Ans).
> ________________
> Jeff Tyrrill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV administrator
> Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 1997 8:44 AM
> Subject: Sigma notation for 86
> Is there a way to do sigma notation on the 86 similar to:
> 4
> E 2x
> x=1
> And the calc will hopefully return:
> 2, 4, 6, 8