Re: Ti-83 Defintely
Re: Ti-83 Defintely
On Tue, 9 Dec 1997 21:44:14 -0500 "R. Cioffi" <>
>Personally I find that the Ti-83 is better. While it doesn't have all
>the advanced freatures of the 85 it has a far better LCD display, the
uh so what about lcd.. 85 has more pixels/resolution.. btw.. you
shouldn't compare ti83 with 85 anymore.. try 83 with 86!.. 85 is stupid
compared to 86.. :) (i have them both).. 86's lcd is better than 83..
>chip or the OS, whichever is about three times faster and the Ti-83
chip is the same.. 83 is faster because it has LESS RAM!!. and btw on
the ti86 and 83.. you can make GRAPHING faster.. go to WINDOW the last
OPTION xRes.. set it to 8 (maximum) and it graphs really fast.. btw..
asm is same speed and asm on 86 is a lot better than 83
>can show a bigger portion of a graph. Your zeros are at the bottom of
bigger portion of a graph? the hell does that mean?? the 85 and 86 has
more pixels/resolution
>the screen rather than hidden under a menu. As for resolution: who
zero's at bottom of screen?!?!? all the menus of the ti85 and 86 is a
menu on the bottom of the screen using the F keys which has more
functions than 83.. with that stupid little menu...and 83's "F"keys are
only specific keys.. while the 85 and 86's change with the menu
>cares? Your not going to get images that are so sharp that they just
>blow you away and your don't even have to use an intercept. I find
>that for my stuff the Ti-83 is a better calculator. Besides my school
well resolution means.. more accurate graphing.. and yes it looks a
little better. btw.. it's You're not Your.
>uses it so there is really no question for me.
your schoool uses it cuz it's CHEAP.. heck if my school can afford it
they'd get everyone ti92s..
>For stats the Ti-83 blows the 85 out of the water. You can do so much
>more it isn't even funny.
stats.. big WHOOP.. btw.. again don't use the 85 to compare.. try the
86.. 86 now has stat (asm) and finance (asm) and don't say "well it's a
stupid program" well you know how good the program is?!?!? you run it..
and it goes IN THE CALC.. meaning.. go to MATH in the calculator.. and
BAM it's like the finance and Stat is BUILT in.. and talk about 3 (almost
4) TIMES the memory.. what about the SOLVER?? yeah 83 has it. but it
sucks on the 83.. hmm etc..etc.. btw.. games on 85/86 and the 83 is like
comparing a 747 to the Wright Brothers little Plane.
btw.. have you seen the COMPARISON chart at!?!?! what do you
wanna compare?? 83 and 85?? or 83 and 86?? well i'm gonna show you 83 and
86.. here's all the shit on the 86 that's not on the 83...and think about
more pixels
more characters
differential equations.
slope and direction fileds
RK, Euler, List of initial conditions
user-defined functions
3 times memory
smultaneous equations
polynomial root finder
bin,hex/oct operations
more list length than 83
matric sizes is bigger
no limit of number of matrices you can have on calculator
physical constants
metric and english conversions
and custom user defined menus.
so don't give me no 83 is better than 85/86 btw.. the 85 has 17 things
that 83 doesn't have.. thank you for you time. when replying make sure
you're replying to THE LIST (CALC-TI@LISTS.PPP.TI.COM)
-nXt OR: