TI-85 Link
TI-85 Link
Hello all!!
I've recently discovered the possibilities of downloading programs from
the Internet and putting them into my TI-85 calculator. However, the
cable is expensive, so I built my own cable for 7 bucks. According to
the meter, everything checks out. But when I put it on the computer and
my calculator, it fails to work. First problem, the calculator freezes
up... well it's just slows down BIG time. Then whenever I try and send
or receive it just doesn't work, always getting a transmission error. Is
there something special I'm missing here?? Are you suppose to hook up the
stuff in a special order? Like plug in serial port, then calculator, then
startup PC program, then turn on calculator?? I don't know what's wrong.
It should work fine. I got the plans from ticalc.org and I tried using
Connect85 for windows and ThriftyLink which is made by the same guys who
designed the homemade cable I have. If anyone could give me out, please
send to: tlindner@antigo.com
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